Join the 10-Day Power Shift


Are you feeling bloated? Inflamed? Tired?

But most of all anxious. Constantly thinking about food but cannot put the first foot forward to get started?? On a merry-go-round with bad food choices? Do you know you need to stop the cycle but just can’t get started on your own? Do you need guidelines, accountability and a push to get on track?


As the most successful program at Kitchen Shift for the past 3 years- POWERSHIFT has received a makeover and the experience is going to be nothing short of LIFE CHANGING for you!

ENROLL NOW to secure your spot.

POWERSHIFT is a 10-DAY Detox and Reset Experience led by Beth of Kitchen Shift.

You will receive:

  1. A guidebook with specific instructions. You will get a clear description of what is in, out, and how to schedule each day.

  2. A beautiful recipe book with over 50 recipes to inspire and guide you in your kitchen. These recipes are uncomplicated, clean and delicious.

  3. You will also have access to an app called Mighty Networks offering you an incredible library of video content and tutorials. Not sure how to blend a smoothie? Make your own salad dressing?? No problem!! I have that covered!

  4. You will also have daily access to me as your coach! You will join a closed Facebook group where you will benefit from the rich community of others plus daily challenges and accountability from me!

  5. We kick off our call with a zoom where you can ask me ANYTHING!

  6. You will also receive a special welcome gift that will enhance your experience. With any round of POWERSHIFT, you will also receive a coupon code for 20% off Kitchen Shift supplement.

This program is intended to be uncomplicated but WILL require some effort in the kitchen as the BEST way to reset our body is by nourishing it with WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION.

This is a short 10 days and the idea is to be ALL IN!

I am happy to report HUNDREDS of individuals have now completed my coaching programs and the results and feedback have been amazing. When we give our body- exactly what it was designed to have- and we give to it CONSISTENTLY. BIG. SHIFTS. HAPPEN!

screenshot of image where someone is saying they lost 25 pounds with my program


β€œAs a small business owner working 60-80 hours a week, in the middle of our busiest season of the year, and with 2 small children at home, the timing wasn’t ideal when I saw a round of Powershift starting just after the first of the year, but something had to give with my health, energy levels and overall lifestyle. After decades of trying different β€œdiets” that never stuck more than a few weeks, and with severe food allergies to several foods that most people eat daily, I asked Beth if she could help accommodate my allergies, while I was learning the more whole foods, organic lifestyle. Of course she said yes!

Just 5 days into the 10 day program, I felt so much better physically and mentally. Powershift helped my WHY finally became bigger than my WHY NOT. Beth has helped keep me on track with not only my food choices, but seeing how many daily actions can affect my body, mind and spirit. Zoom meetings renew my motivation, but discipline has been developed due to how good my body feels by incorporating the methods and meals Beth had developed. Having bounced from doctor to doctor looking for help adapting a healthier lifestyle, Beth’s approach has been far superior for me. While I have a vague idea of how many calories I eat in a day, our focus is more on what type of calories my body needs and what time of day, intuitively eating, overall focus on energy and how I feel mentally and physically, and I’ve never felt stronger, thanks to this amazing program.”


Why should you do POWERSHIFT? πŸ€”
Well, don’t take my word for it! Here is a review from a client and wellness professional! πŸ’―πŸ™

I was thrilled to have @lisaking_the_menopause_yogi join me on Instagram to share all about her March 2024 POWERSHIFT experience as well as her business - supporting other women in the menopause and perimenopause journey.

Thank you Lisa! So thankful for your time and insight!

What fans are saying:

β€œLet @kitchenshift teach ya a thing or two about feeding your body, I promise you won’t be disappointed!”

β€” Molly

β€œI always feel so great after Powershift and the support you and the group provides is wonderful. Thank you Beth!!”

β€” Shelby

Follow us @KitchenShift on Instagram